CASE News 18th August 2011

August 18, 2011

  1. Case Magazine

If you are a subscriber to Case magazine, you should by now have received your copy of Case #27 ‘Acts of God’, exploring natural disasters and the questions they pose for Christians. We hope you are enjoying it, and finding it thought-provoking. Unfortunately, due to clashes with other events, we have had to cancel the CASE Quarterly Seminar on this topic, advertised for August 29th.

Case #28 ‘Theology and the Future’ is now underway, and the content will reflect and extend the topics covered in this year’s New College Lectures. As well as containing articles from our 2011 Lecturers (see below), it will also include a discussion by Dr Rhys Bezzant on Theology and the Future of Worship and Dr Greg Clarke on Theology and the Future of the Bible.

Become a CASE Associate to receive your copy of Case #27 and the subsequent three issues of Case magazine. By becoming a CASE associate you will also receive discounts/free entry to CASE events and will have access to associates-only resources on our CASE website. To find out more about becoming a CASE associate member click here.

  1. ISCAST – CASE Lecture

CASE and ISCAST (Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology) are delighted to invite you to the following lecture this coming Tuesday evening.

Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?

Professor Nancey Murphy

7:30pm, Monday August 23rd, Main Common Room, New College, UNSW

$20 (adults) / $15 (ISCAST or CASE members, students, or pensioners)

Nancey Murphy is a Professor of Christian Philosophy at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA, USA. She has co-edited eleven volumes and authored ten books, including Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies? and Did My Neurons Make Me Do It? Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free Will. Her research interests focus on the role of modern and postmodern philosophy in shaping Christian theology, on relations between theology and science, and on relations among philosophy of mind, neuroscience, and Christian anthropology.

  1. New College Lectures: Theology and the Future (Sept 27-29)

The 2011 New College Lectures are fast approaching – make sure you have the dates in your diary:

Theology and the Future of Education

Prof John McDowell (Newcastle University)

Theology and the Future of the Church

Rev Dr David Starling (Morling College)

Theology and the Future of Humanity

Rev Dr Michael Jensen (Moore College)

  1. Latest posts on the CASE Blog

In our CASE blog we seek to engage with issues and ideas that are relevant to contemporary life. We welcome your comments and feedback. Some of our recent blog posts are:

Thanks for supporting CASE

Trevor Cairney

Director, Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education (CASE)

New College, University of NSW, 2052.

Ph: +61 2 9381 1999 F: +61 2 9381 1909.

Articles are provided for research, citing, printing for private use and for linking to other resources. If you wish to use multiple copies of articles, please request permission.

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