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By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed...
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Book Review: The Human Predicament | Andrew Spalding
By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also be emailed...
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By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or desktop device through the CASE Online Library. You will also...
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Scientists wrestle with philosophy; theologians struggle with biology. The contemporary attempt to integrate these fields still has a long way to go. By purchasing this...
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Is Genetics Changing What it Means to be Human? | Gareth Jones
The world of genetics can be intensely misleading, since it lends itself to oversimplification. Gareth Jones asks whether genetics are changing what it means to...
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Book Review: The Freedom Paradox | Kamal Weerakoon
Kamal Weerakoon reviews The Freedom Paradox by Clive Hamilton. By purchasing this individual article you will have ongoing access to read it from any mobile, tablet or...
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Peter Conrad’s Romantic Humanism delivers a one-eyed perspective on creativity in which the biblical God is the enemy. By purchasing this individual article you will have...
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Book Review: Theology, Music & Time | Steven Wright
Theology, Music and Time(Cambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine)Jeremy S. BegbieCambridge University Press, 2000, 332pp
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