We hope you have had a chance to read through Case #26, and think about Christian attitudes to debt. CASE quarterly seminars provide a forum for our readers to discuss the contents of the latest issue of Case magazine, together with one or more of the contributing authors.
The next quarterly seminar will be held this Monday, 2nd May, from 6:30-8pm at New College Village, UNSW (corner Anzac Pde and Day Ave). The seminar will include Ben Gooley and David Hohne talking through their articles, as well as general discussion of the ‘Indebted’ issue.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Dani (d.scarratt@newcollege.unsw.edu.au). All welcome!
CASE and ISCAST (Institute for the Study of Christianity in an Age of Science and Technology) are delighted to invite you to the following two lectures.
How we became human from the beginning. The current evidence and what may a Christian make of it?
Emeritus Professor Michael Knight
7:30pm, Monday July 18th, Main Common Room, New College, UNSW
Michael is an Emeritus Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of New South Wales.
Did my neurons make me do it?
Professor Nancey Murphy
7:30pm, Tuesday 23rd August at 7.30 pm
Nancey is the Professor of Christian Philosophy at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Her first book, Theology in the Age of Scientific Reasoning (Cornell, 1990) won the American Academy of Religion Award for Excellence.
In our CASE blog we seek to engage with issues and ideas that are relevant to contemporary life. We welcome your comments and feedback. Some of our recent blog posts are:
Thanks for supporting CASE
Trevor Cairney
Director, Centre for Apologetic Scholarship and Education (CASE)
New College, University of NSW, 2052.
Ph: +61 2 9381 1999 F: +61 2 9381 1909.
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